

The Misunderstood

Explore the science behind it

Very little is known about sharks in Mozambique. Our Scientific Director,  Calum Murie, is working to examine the movements, habitat use and feeding ecology of bull (Zambezi), hammerheadoceanic blacktip, and grey reef sharks. To date, we are tracking 22 sharks along Inhambane coastline and in the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park area. The sharks will transmit data on their movements for up to 10 years. It is our aim to help the region to develop policies that maintain shark populations.

shark tagging

Our shark tracking project is the first in southern Mozambique and it will provide the first information on predatory sharks in the area. Acoustic telemetry uses sound produced by using harmless tags that we attach to sharks. Once the information we need has been gathered, the tags are released. As sharks swim through our network of tracking stations, we develop amazing novel data on their movements. 

The other aim of the project is to investigate shark movements in the area will allow us to examine the degree of presence of large sharks in the region and the importance of the habitats that support them. 

A joint venture with our partners

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